EVENTS & Diary dates 

From bake sales to summer fairs, we run a range of events that bring our school community closer together whilst raising valuable funds for the school.

If you'd like to volunteer at any of our events, please contact the PTA at 

Non- uniform day

When:  Friday 19 July

No uniforms needed on the last day of the 2023/2024 academic year in our final PTA fundraiser of the year. 

Please donate £1 per child if you can - donations can be made on ParentPay or on the school gates on the morning of the 19 July.

Annual sunflower growing competition

Closing date:  EXTENDED DEADLINE Monday 15 July

How to enter: Send a picture of your fully grown sunflower, along with it's height in cm, plus the name and class of your child to

Before Easter we sent all Mayfield children home with envelopes containing a few sunflower seeds. Here's what to do next...

Prizes will be awarded!

Special thanks go to Darwin Nursery and Scotsdales who supplied the seeds for this year's competition.

Please note we will not publish any pictures of children on without your prior concsent. We will, however, happily publish lots of sunflower photos! Photos featuring children will only be used by the school.

Frozen Fridays

When: Sunny Fridays in June & July, 3.15pm until we run out

Where: Outside, near the Year 2 classrooms

On sunny Fridays in June and July we will be selling ice pops for 50p and ice lollies for £1. Come along and enjoy a bargain ice lolly and support the PTA at the same time! 

Keep an eye on your year group WhatsApp groups and the school newsletter to check whether we'll be on each week. Note we won't have a Frozen Friday on Friday 28 June as it'll be the Summer Fair.

Big thanks to Year 6 pupils who will be helping us at the sale - we couldn't do it without you! ❤️

PTA Meeting

When:  7.30pm onwards on the dates below

Where: In the Mayfield Community Room, unless otherwise stated

PTA meetings will return in September. If you're interested in joining the PTA, or have any ideas about what we do, please drop us an email - we'd love to hear from you!

Get in touch

summer term diary dates

Here's a handy summary of what's going on over the summer term 😀

Term dates can be found